Monday, December 16, 2013

Alligators and turtles

The trip waits us still more inside the Amazon. We fear to meet an alligator on the road. I will impale, that they will feel that we already ate them and run away hehe :).
White caruncle, a little bit tough, but this also has its charm. Jarek bought them on the market in Belen, joke from the tail, because there is the the most meat there. However the local hostess prepared us the dish – obviously as all here – with rice, banana and juice from marakuja.
We saw the tortoise also great shell on the stall from dishes. You prepared the soup from tortoise and second dish. It was also good, however I had larger resistances. Why I do not know later, when we already ate you she admitted that one forbids killing tortoise more and more often. I feel sorry for them a bit, however I survive more that some nations kill my beloved sloths on the dinner. 

The market Belen - Suri

Belen one brings this quite dangerous place  in which you can all what buy on cocktail cabinets. Can one also eat all on this market what he clutches here. We found Suri quite quickly that is the larva the appearance reminding fat gusano. We were interesting very much as this tastes. 2 sal and you receive five bigs larvs . Is to break on the beginning heavily.  However he turns out that super taste after the moment. Such crunchy, a bit the sweet caruncle – mniami... We asked for extra portion :)

Travelling on the Iquitos

The most pleasantly is the trip with motorcar. It is windy and quickly, and  cheap. 
Petrol here also, they have cheaper in the the centre of the jungle than in the Poland– the litre costs 2,5 sola. Several places are in Amazoni where he comes out oil.  One can seldom see the car, so great full streets are clanging motorbikes and motocars. There are no belts, however drivers going from high speed, outdistancing on third smoothly avoid the conflict. 
But it is also going for a ride the bus without glass and door worth for the change. One again can listen shouts "sube" and he "baja" and stopping polish patience what 30 metres.

Plaza de Almaz

In the centre itself Iquitos here is one building made from steel.   One rich man told probably some day to realize whole this house. The creator of the tower Effila designed this building. Next to him near at hand is famous bar, which are visited famouse businessmen. We tasted colds drinks but, the larger impression made on us the men who selling coconut drink. The piece of coconut cuts off with machete, he beats in the straw and one can already drink. We approach to him again after some time. The whole coconut cuts out us from the centre within several seconds. We already were full after drank one and  satiates terribly :).

Oso Perezoso and Ana – konda

We arrived to the place in which everyone can hug fantastic animals. Two of them made on us the the largest impression. Oso Perezoso this simply the sloth. I fell in love in him. He is incredibly calm and very nice. As you will catch him, first what he does, is hugging you with his hands and legs, and later sticks his head. I think, that having him to make all chores at the home for example surf in the internet, and he hours sat so hugged. I already miss him. 
   Jarek for example was under 6-one meter Anaconda impression. Ana – she has on the name :). She heavy terribly and she ate one day before on happiness for us. She woke the fear despite all, especially when she was arounded  our neck  with her tail. 

The amazing adventure the boat on the Amazon

Already waits for us on the very beginning itself. Our motokar driver arrests several misters and pricked oneself between oneself. What's the matter? One catches us for the hand and wants to lead. He turns out that they fight between themselves on whose boat we will get to flow after the Amazon. Nobody gives for the victory, the quarrel lasts through the whole road. It calmed down just when already all took of place in one boat. 
First place was taken in the village the tribe of boras. We already hear their singings and tramping legs from far – they make the performance for different visitors. People living there really live normally – they change only on such performances. For the introduction after the negotiation 10sol – not a lot...-  however the better adventure waited us in the moment. 

Monday, December 9, 2013


A place where you can see animals living in the Amazon, to the lush vegetation was our first attraction. We have a personal guide, a friend with whom we live. We watched the animals that live here, play with dolphins and kept anaconda on his hands. But for us the most happiness made ​​park center. The climate is such that the exit from the cold shower does not make sense to wipe anyway because after a while you are wet. So when we saw in the center of this park beautiful beach for swimming and we could not  jump into the water :)

Hola Iquitos!

The first day in the middle of jungle. Literally everything delights us. Jarek is excited about the amount of palm trees. At the beginning of each image he wants to do, just in time realize that where you look you see at least a few :)

The city is huge - plenty of streets, but few cars. Iquitos dominated bikes and motocary. Just so we're going from the airport - at least not feel as heat, is breezy. It's really hot. Here we all are happy when it rains, so that later is freshly little cooler. In the summer when the two months can not rain likely temperature is unbearable. The shower is only cold water - fortunately.  We were incredibly welcomed  here- we live at home like from Venezuelan serial (little show )- with a great hacienda, in which your dinner prepares the seniora (miss). We are overjoyed that we now live here :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Food on the street in Huaraz

Peru is a completely different world when it comes to eating on the street. The lady who has a door on the street opens it wide. Issue a barbecue, laid on the potatoes, Kuze feet and anticucho - skewers of heart bull - two cost just 1.5 sol.Here office do not check the tax , any health department, nor the police. Just sell what you want.  
Eevening walking down the street, at a moment we spend one sol (1 zł) trying local delicacies. Most accounted for us to taste is Papa Rayana - crispy potato stuffed with mutton of town, egg and vegetables, with mustard and mayonnaise, served with a salad of onions, lime and rocoto (cayenne pepper). So delicious dish for sol? Unthinkable. Here in Poland the taxes would cost 5 times more. After that, often taste the hot sweet as churros or 4 donuts called Pacachos with delicious sauce - also for solos. 
Local food is Chocho - round beans, onion, rocoto, lime, tops and tuna can be served with a special popcorn. We'll miss these flavors and for those prices :)

Laguna Churup

The lake at 4450m where you can swim? We could not miss it. At the peak of Churup is a beautiful lagoon. If after entering the height we have strength, we come to the second - tiny. Swim, yes we can - but despite that we are close to the equator, the water at the height of the cold. Jarek could not forgive himself if he did not come. He said that the water is -100 degrees :). He came out of the water as well burned, and so it appeared he was all red :)

For those who choose: On the street Gamarra waiting combi (car) marked Pitek. We were going for 7.15. Cars they take the residents to Llupy for 5sol, but you can ask that reached the Pitek - but it costs. If you are going to with a few people may be too 10sol. We do what we did, and later returned to Llupy - near the shop stink local taxi. The walk took us 10 hours - in the meantime, we took a picnic and entered the tiny lagoon. It should also count 5 sol for entrance to the park :)


In many places in the hot water exits the region in the color brown. It has healing properties so there is a pool of just such a water. We felt just like the pigs in the mud splashed around :)  interesting feeling to sit in the brown water  additionally warm when dripping on your head cool drizzle.

For those who would like to use to Monterey you reach the city bus No. 1 for 1 sol - dowiozą you to the entrance :)


Cuy or guinea pig is the greatest delicacy residents of Huaraz. Meat is unfortunately very little but it is probably very very healthy. Appearance of raw guinea ragged coat not really encouraged us to try. There are different ways of cooking - best known here for "picante de cuy". We could not decide, all of a sudden we got an invitation from the Peruvian housekeeper. It tasted like chicken, maybe a little more tender meat. I gave Jarek as always toasty crust, but this time he had to jaw a little :). We wanted to see them live, but the hostess for us all killed, were only rabbits - hospitality here is amazing. In conclusion, this cuy pretty good, but the roasted chicken are preapared with traditional way roasted on carbon and wood, which most often we eat here (dish for 6 sol) and still wins.

Public Transport

Public transport is a great interest in Huaraz. A lot of young boys dream to have his taxi. After the street run virtually the same taxi and combys serving as city buses. From time to time passing elegant roadster's richest. Public transport is not expensive, so we all benefit from it. Bus fares pay 80 centimes, a taxi 3 sol. There are no stops, just waving his hand. Even if we do it in the middle of the intersection and so it stops. Transfer combys a really interesting experience. It is usually stuffed to the brim, seats about 15, the rest of twisted heads, sized like sardines waiting until someone says "baja" (Bach). All the way we are accompanied by the two words "sube" - get in the car and "baja" - get out. Collecting money often whisting and sings - "sube, sube subiendo". Even if you leave as soon as you can, and so a few times cry out to you baja, baja ... Drivers really in a hurry, probably because each number bus pulls up every 5 minutes and how one will be delayed a second overtake him.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


No restaurant is no substitute for a meal in a typical Peruvian home.Our dear brothers are incredibly hospitable - this is our last week here, so we feel like overseers. The problem is in determining to whom shall we go for lunch, and to whom for dinner.Yesterday's dinner, however, will go down in history. Jarek and Arthur necessarily wanted to try testiculos - the sheep kernel :). Here is a delicacy, probably a very healthy meat.When the hostess told me that they are here soup with rams' heads, legs, parts of the brain, chicken paws it took away our appetite. However, when we talk about that in Poland we eat stomachs and livers they frowned mines, but admitted that some eat it too. How to taste mutton kernel? Just a little bit like chicken stomachs - quite tasty, tender meat. But the thought that they are testiculos makes it hard to deal with :) Our faces speak for themselves :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nevado Pastoruri

Nevado Pastoruri this is mountain which has a height of 5400m above sea level, Intresting is that there is a huge glacier. However, is melting at an alarming rate - one of the fastest melting glaciers in the world. We went with team of our friends. In the group is cheaper, because trip cost 8 $ for one person, and it turns out that many of the people who live here knew this up only from stories. Here in the mountain everyone wants to earn, so for every route you will find some useful animals such as donkeys that can bring your bags for a little money. For Pastoruri only for 2 $ horses will bring you to the altitude 5000m - emotions amazing :). We entered the 5200m - is higher than Mont Blanc, and felt like a stroll in the morning, they we could to fool around :)
Along the way, you can also drink fizzy mineral water flowing from the spring, and enjoy the cacti Puya Raimondi - growing at 4000m only in Peru and Bolivia.We recommend anyone who comes to Huaraz - while is still ice cap.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

City of the dogs

The dogs have taken over the city of Huaraz, and none of this does anything. You can find mongrels but also plenty of race dogs, some very exotic as greyhounds and pugs :). How is this happening?Families buy a dog for their children.As it is a small sleeping with them, and as he grows up do not want to be spun around the house. Gardens there is not much, and even if they are gates are leaky. They are therefore two choices: on roofs or on the street. When is unfinished house and there is a person who can to clean up, so dog can be on the roof - as above us live rottweiler Tobi. Others live on the streets - there are better nourished, because there will always be some trash next to the poles.
We did not find streets, where there would be no dogs. What will it be for a few years? Perhaps some immigrants come from China? :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Here, nothing is wasted

My first encounter with crow's feet - foot protruding from the soup, luckily not in my soup, but in Jarek. I got the neck. Here on every corner in the evenings People are frying chicken feet. Today, we asked how much it costs. You get three for one sol (0,40 cent). I thought it would eat only very poor people, but also elegant women chew them with great ferocity - are probably a lot of collagen. They don't must spend money on expensive creams that probably are not as effective. We probably won't taste it :)

not yet discovered who needs a pig and sheep's head, and with his eyes.

Only for those who choose to trek in Santa Cruz

I thought that if we really helped friends, hint, which routes are the most beautiful, how to go and what to take with you, so we will share this knowledge with those who have and they will come.

So, what to take with you? Tent, sleeping mats, sleeping bags, stove tourism. It can be rented. We managed to get it for free :). A small gas bottle you buy for 17 sol in the city center.
Morning in Huaraz at Punto de Caraz leaving "combi" (small bus) to Yungay (5sol) or directly from Huaraz to Vaquerii (25sol). We did for 10sol of Yungay - is 4 hours away. Bus pass over by the way you have to pay admission to the National Park 65sol. With Vaquerii you set off in the direction of Punta Union.You can trek into 2 or 3 nights in a tent. It is pretty fast to go to Punta Union, for though before it is too beautiful, the road ahead is breathtaking. So let's give yourself time to enjoy this idyllic corner. When you get to Cashapampy you will find plenty of shops and taxis that for 10 sol will take you to Caraz - 45 min (in the car can ride more than five people. With us going eight :). With Caraz for six sol return to Huaraz. Do not worry, there are plenty of combi and go every now and then, even the baggage you bring :)
  Along the route Santa Cruz is 5 clearings where you can pitch a tent. We recommend a trip to Vaquerii because the Punta Union throughout the Santa Cruz going down the hill and admire the views - more fun :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Santa Cruz - trekking

   After two weeks of conditioning we went to the mountains. Friends hints to us that Santa Cruz is a really amazing place,however they climbed even in the Himalajah. They lent us a tent, sleeping mats, stove, etc., because We did not have anything :). Despite my illness, and one night in a tent in the center of the storm, the next day we had great weather for trekking. On the first day after each lightning strike, Jarek cuddled up to me even more strongly, saying that if we are gonna die we will die together :). No way it wasn't so easy, the next day waiting for us up. We left early in the morning and managed to do this - when we crossed the Punta Union (4750m) The sky opened up before us another world. Beautiful views - peaks over 6000m, the clouds dissipated, juicy grass, grazing, wild cows, horses, donkeys, lagoons with crystal clear water, springs, waterfalls-a veritable idyll. For us it is the most beautiful place in the mountains we stayed. Three days in paradise - unforgettable. Anyway, here you go ....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Satanas Park"

 The jackpot example:

In every country, even in Peru is an amazing amusement park called "Satanas Park."
There are many amazing things. Yes, yes there are roller coasters, streamers, slides, etc.
Wondering how much you have to pay to get in there. It turns out that NOTHING. Admission pays nothing. WOW! All for free. Eating, drinking at will - drink you want, you can burn what you want, have fun, party, even allow immorality. You only think about themselves and their pleasures. A veritable madness - you feel really free. However, after a day of fun you feel a little tired and want to relax. Let's go home. And suddenly in the exit  - you have to pay.
Why, admission was free. Yes admission was free, but not exit.
Okay,You take your wallet and wonna pay. What is the price? - Oo... your life!
How foolish to fall into this trap and his life spent on stupid :)
We are happy that we could share it with you.