peru selva


In the Amazon jungle, you can meet thousands of species of butterflies. We really liked this one color such as yellow or blue grossly. Near Iquitos is Mariposario, where you can meet hundreds of butterflies (esp. Mariposa) and observe the course of their lives. Unfortunately, in his beautiful form located there butterflies usually live only 2-3 weeks. Is it worth it to visit this place? Certainly. In a small park closed flew a lot larger and smaller butterflies. However, we must admit that the more we liked the monkeys playing in front of the entrance, anteater, who was eating ants in the bushes, and other animals, which can be a tease :)

monkey belching

On the way to Mariposario see that something crackling in the bushes. It turns out that it is running monkeys - with some strange faces. They are not afraid of people. That we have to be careful, because in one second can grab a camera and toss example into the water. What a joy it was when they got the bottle of water. For days after the trees and jumping from time to time looking for something in companions's hairs, perhaps some bugs. Suddenly someone starts to burp. We look up, and a big male of another species. It turns out that may just burp up to five hours. This means that he is very happy. When we look at him doing it even louder. Belching Jarka is the nothing! :)...

As you will near comes to Indiana

From Iquitos two hours to see the Amazon quiet idyllic life, a spotless, friendly and beautiful for that spot. Who would have thought that in the middle of the bush, you can see how the alleys in the park and trees cropped in mosaic. Here it is really worth pay a visit. At the market at tiny little port buy everything you need, in particular, fresh fish, and you'll definitely be able to count on help from residents. We have to say goodbye to this place, but it certainly will be back someday :).  

Most are afraid of what you do not see

It is wonderful that we can be in such an amazing place like the Amazon jungle . It is beautifully , but there always have to be safe than sorry . Hazardous anacondas and alligators and other snakes. We have seen how someone threw a dead snake Gergona - the bite antidote is needed quickly . However, these animals run away from people and do not have to like it do not attack . However, the most afraid of what you do not see . Jarek bitten by tiny ants - called Pucacuro . There is a saying " Pucacuro pica duro " ( Pukakuro bite tight) . Indeed, after a while Jarek got allergy : his face swelled up and got a rash all over the body . We had a bit of stress, we were afraid that swell his neck and will not have to breathe. However, after a few hours , after large quantities of lime all gone. We also saved already count the strange mosquitoes bites like Muchacha Mantaplanca . I had a few hundred :) . However, in such a beautiful setting and wonderful company simply did not think about it, because there was no time for that.

Crappy Mono

Many unusual meals we had the opportunity to try. But the soup with mono or monkey do not really accounted for our taste. The view alone is not added appetite - hand with fingers or a piece of jaw with teeth. We tried just a piece - nothing unusual for us to taste, and this unpleasant smell. Maybe she was wrong whip you, but after all I would not recommend. The worst thing is that on the same day we received a gift of eggs taricaya (type of turtle). When cooked it smelled throughout the house. I tried anyway. They say that some people love it and are very healthy. For me shocker. Jarek was not to be persuaded even a little. Almost all the eggs and pieces of monkeys received a family from a nearby house. Oh, what was the joy!

Food at the crossroads

It turns out that at the crossroads not only drive motocars, but you can pretty well eat. Choosing good: fish soup, fish from the Amazon, meat, potatoes, yucca. We liked the potatoes, as in Poland and the meat of "monte" - a venison such as capybaras. Oh and disappointment when we were served a plate: half the plate is rice, a piece of yucca, banana and it's all a little potato and a piece of meat. Well, here people do not know dinner without rice and banana. You can get used to. Tasty, lots and good price 3.50 sol (4zł) - did not find so far of such food for the price. Even we will miss the spicy sauce with cocoons.

6-hour cluck

We get up at three in the morning, because today the fourth flows boat. In the darkness of the pack, in the dark we go. We go to the boat, and there are asleep some people. We sail at night, shining a flashlight helmsman. Well, just getting started! Every now and then we stop and charge people who charge what they can. After an hour of riding with us all livestock - lots of chickens, ducks, and even pigs. People grow it in their cabins and now they are going to sell it in the townships - because is the only way to earn some money. Amazing view - on both sides of the boat sitting hens - as roost. On the one hand, with closed beaks, on the other barely nozzle, because in their ass morning sun warms :). 

Cottage near the river

Far away from the village, on the river lives a family. Dad caught minnows in the morning and works in a small field, the mother prepares a meal. Children have a year-round vacation - a favorite pastime is swimming in a small river. They are not afraid of piranhas and other creatures. In the afternoon we all are resting lounging on hammocks. Parents read, meditate, children learn letters and play. You do not need to wash the windows, because they do not exist. Toilets not cleaned, because you won't find it at home - in the area is a lot of trees. It is so warm that children do not have to dress up specially, not to mention wearing shoes. Just sweep the floor and behind. You do not even have to bend down the scoop, because in the floor is a small hole, which sweeps everything. There eagerly awaiting chickens that eat everything that chute. Bones and larger pieces of food is thrown away through the "window", where are waiting dogs. Live not to die :).


Wow! Finally something sweet! Residents will also grow sugar cane to sweeten his life a little bit :). When dad brings some cane all the children line up - everyone gets a piece of the teeth squeezed juice. Adults are waiting for a juice in a cup. A simple wooden device that makes the juice is squeezed to the last drop. Yum :)

Shopping trip

Early in the morning men go shopping - waiting for them nets full of the fish :). In the evening they left there  nets for all night long. Jarek had the opportunity to fish with a rod. You have to be very fast, because the place where he was fishinng with a rod was full of fish becouse our friend left under the water boiled yucca for night and fish they love it. Even later, I managed to pull a few fish.


Yucca in the jungle is the main dish, as in our bread or potatoes. In total, it tastes like potatoes and fits well with the fish. There is not growing here, rice, corn, so you have to somehow manage to fill their bellies. Residents grub up some jungle and soot yucca. You can eat only what grows in the ground. To introduce some variety, rather than cook, sometimes barbeques. It's getting out of kind of crisps. For me, they were a little too hard and tasteless. I was told that taste better with milk. But there is nowhere to milk! Kids eat those puffs with warm water with such zeal as our children chocolate cereal with milk :)

Nights in a house on stilts 

Not only did we sleep in a wooden house with lots of slots, it's still on the floor, through which can pass all the worms. We spread our sleeping bags and cover with a sheet. Fortunately, we have a mosquito net, because as soon as we turned on the flashlight inside, had come to her a lot of mosquitoes. It's hard to sleep on rough planks with protruding nails. However, when I was very tired, even walking rats and cockroaches so do not bother. Every day so much going on that evening we fall like flies :).

Vanilla is a "monte"? 

We think that we are in the wilderness. For natives, it seems that the wilderness is somewhere else.
For us mere arrival to Iquitos - city in the middle of the jungle was exotic. But it was only when we were going to Indiana town, just 2 hours away (swimming with the tide). Iquitos residents told us that there is a "monte" or the wilderness and need to be more careful with danger. The people from the Indiana told us that it is not yet monte, monte will be in the Vanilli - additional 4 hours away. In fact, there was less of civilization, no current (or 3 hours) no motocars and shops.
Going to the service with one of  the resident Vanilli, Daniela 15 minutes on the path from her house surrounded by various type of trees, hearing strange noises, I ask her if we can meet here alligators and anacondas. Daniel says no. They can be found only in the "monte". This is where we end it?
 I came to the conclusion that the wilderness is everywhere here. Just the animals flee from the people, and where there are houses, disappearing animals. As Daniel said, if an alligator  came here it was soon to be eaten here - for us :)

In the Amazon basin  

Journey into the unknown that is, to the village of Vanilla. Vanilla is situated by the river, which is the Amazon basin. Four hours by boat laden with even more than before. In this page are riding with us various products, which can not be found in the jungle such as breads, cans, drinks, wardrobe, and even huge chunks of ice - is something special in this place. Where there is no electricity, of course, will not be usable fridge, so you can forget about ice and ice cream. The ice will be used for cover the fish to sell to not be spoiled. Once we go in the rain, once in the bright sun. At the some moment we go into a narrow creek of the river is also called vanilla. Already getting dark, unknown to us at the edge of the animals seem strange noises. We are curious about what awaits us there. 


Jarek's favorites drinks in the jungle are coconut water and refresko of cocoons. If do you break yourself coconut with machete and you will open it, the taste is even better. Precipitation  coconuts went pretty smoothly. It took a little large cut pieces with a machete. We were shocked  how quickly natives they do it :)
After two hours of walking, and talking to people on a hot day, when we were so thirsy, it was a real delight and refreshment - only the glass was a little hard :). 

Piranhas and other fish  

The river is full of all sorts of fish. Most tastes good if have no bones. When we were served once the fish sauce, after eating a few pieces I asked "It's not a chicken?".
Piranha simply tastes. Ridiculously close to her face, when its fry. Worse find her alive. We bathe in the river, because they all say that we do not have to worry. However, from time to time we hear the story that someone did something. Our friend was fishing at night. He caught so much fish that he began to sink with his boat, so he jumped out. Suddenly piranha cut his hand, he left everything to find coast as soon as possible. However, and so on do not you ask someone to tell you that they are not dangerous and can safely swim :).


Few of our friends in Indiana has a TV at home, even if it is outside is much nicer than at home. Thus the slogan "atardecer" - sunset big group going to the nearby beautiful town to walk. Views on long remain in our memory.

Bathing in the Amazon 

This could not miss. First, what Jarek asked after arriving to Indiana is where is the beach. This beach was not here, but swimmingplace pretty good. Each month, it looks different, because during the year the water rises and falls a few, and in some years a few yards. For this brown water - as coffee latte. By entering, you can only imagine that the flow near you piranhas and other fish. You hope that there is no alligators and anacondas around, because it's populated area.The river is brown, but that's only because the land here is loam. Sure garbage flowing down from the mountains or somewhere others places, but we do not think about it. The mud is like a mask on your skin - use the max with Amazon SPA. This allows us to be conformed to the natives a little :).


Oranges and limes - this is probably the only fruit that is eaten, in this jungle and in the Poland. We were not able to remember the names of fruits that we ate. Even bananas here have various name - they are such tiny, sweet or large, green, hard - for cooking or frying, perfectly matching the fried fish. At the market sold fruits such as Mangue (like mango), uvia (similar to grapes but much larger), papaya, and the rest I do not remember. Some of us really surprised. Following in the path of Lorena see before me dry thick stalk - I wanted to kick him to not fall over it. Suddenly I see Lorena raises and opens it, and all around great seed is delicious white sweet edible. Another sweet fruit also impressed us with its taste, but then we could not open his mouth - everything sticks together :)
Mi liked the Anona - when you opens it, looks like the original bowl, served ice cream with whipped cream, and the flavor is sweet and delicate pudding sour - yum :) Well, good that Jarek likes to climb on the trees - because such a pleasure only for those who can sever this fruits :)

Another world 

We had a chance for two weeks to live in another world, almost like a paradise. Life flows slowly here, people do not have many needs. Fish fry, boil bananas, yucca, rice, and the rest of the day enjoying the hammocks, play with the children and walking. It was amazing to hear how pretty strange people say to each other hermanito (little brother), hermanita (little sister). We were able to feel completely safe here, people showed us a lot of warmth. When we asked for something, explained in detail, gave fruit, gave shelter in the rain, and much much more. 

Travel to Indiana

It was a very exciting journey and a bit stressful. At the beginning we had to go through the port of Iquitos, where he awaits a lot of thieves, looking if you have something on top. Later, a few people who will give you his boat saying it is better or cheaper. We swim 2-3 hours Amazon. We have heard that many boats were sunk in the past with the crew. We finally decide to go. We pay only 7 sol, but sitting on sacks of potatoes, going with the whole pile all sorts of things, and a multitude of people. It seems to us that you can not push pins, and there still reach new people. The floor a little wet inside, but sitting close to several life vests that are here so do not be afraid :). The owner assures us that everything is OK We're going into the jungle :)

Alligators and turtles

The trip waits us still more inside the Amazon. We fear to meet an alligator on the road. I will impale, that they will feel that we already ate them and run away hehe :).
White caruncle, a little bit tough, but this also has its charm. Jarek bought them on the market in Belen, joke from the tail, because there is the the most meat there. However the local hostess prepared us the dish – obviously as all here – with rice, banana and juice from marakuji.

We saw the tortoise also great shell on the stall from dishes. You prepared the soup from tortoise and second dish. It was also good, however I had larger resistances. Why I do not know later, when we already ate you she admitted that one forbids killing tortoise more and more often. I feel sorry for them a bit, however I survive more that some nations kill my beloved sloths on the dinner. 

Travelling on the Iquitos

The most pleasantly is the trip with motorcar. It is windy and quickly, and  cheap. 
Petrol here also, they have cheaper in the the centre of the jungle than in the Poland– the litre costs 2,5 sola. Several places are in Amazon where it comes out oil. You can seldom see the car, so great full streets are clanging motorbikes and motocars. There are no belts, however drivers going from high speed, outdistancing on third smoothly avoid the conflict. 
But it is also going for a ride the bus without glass and door worth for the change. One again can listen shouts "sube" and he "baja" and stopping polish patience what 30 metres.

The market Belen - Suri

Belen one brings this quite dangerous place  in which you can all what buy on cocktail cabinets. Can one also eat all on this market what he clutches here. We found Suri quite quickly that is the larva the appearance reminding fat gusano. We were interesting very much as this tastes. 2 sal and you receive five bigs larvs . Is to break on the beginning heavily.  However he turns out that super taste after the moment. Such crunchy, a bit the sweet caruncle – mniami... We asked for extra portion :)

Plaza de Almaz

In the centre itself Iquitos here is one building made from steel . One rich man told probably some day to realize whole this house. The creator of the tower Effila designed this building. Next to him near at hand is famous bar, which are visited famouse businessmen. We tasted colds drinks but, the larger impression made on us the men who selling coconut drink. The piece of coconut cuts off with machete, he beats in the straw and one can already drink. We approach to him again after some time. The whole coconut cuts out us from the centre within several seconds. We already were full after drank one and  satiates terribly :).

Oso Perezoso and Ana – konda

We arrived to the place in which everyone can hug fantastic animals. Two of them made on us the the largest impression. Oso Perezoso this simply the sloth. I fell in love in him. He is incredibly calm and very nice. As you will catch him, first what he does, is hugging you with his hands and legs, and later sticks his head. I think, that having him to make all chores at the home for example surf in the internet, and he hours sat so hugged. I already miss him. 
   Jarek for example was under 6-one meter Anaconda impression. Ana – she has on the name :). She heavy terribly and she ate one day before on happiness for us. She woke the fear despite all, especially when she was arounded  our neck  with her tail. 

The amazing adventure the boat on the Amazon

Already waits for us on the very beginning itself. Our motokar driver arrests several misters and pricked oneself between oneself. What's the matter? One catches us for the hand and wants to lead. He turns out that they fight between themselves on whose boat we will get to flow after the Amazon. Nobody gives for the victory, the quarrel lasts through the whole road. It calmed down just when already all took of place in one boat. 
First place was taken in the village the tribe of boras. We already hear their singings and tramping legs from far – they make the performance for different visitors. People living there really live normally – they change only on such performances. For the introduction after the negotiation 10sol – not a lot...-  however the better adventure waited us in the moment. 


A place where you can see animals living in the Amazon, to the lush vegetation was our first attraction. We have a personal guide, a friend with whom we live. We watched the animals that live here, play with dolphins and kept anaconda on his hands. But for us the most happiness made ​​park center. The climate is such that the exit from the cold shower does not make sense to wipe anyway because after a while you are wet. So when we saw in the center of this park beautiful beach for swimming and we could not  jump into the water :)


The first day in the middle of jungle. Literally everything delights us. Jarek is excited about the amount of palm trees. At the beginning of each image he wants to do, just in time realize that where you look you see at least a few :)

The city is huge - plenty of streets, but few cars. Iquitos dominated bikes and motocary. Just so we're going from the airport - at least not feel as heat, is breezy. It's really hot. Here we all are happy when it rains, so that later is freshly little cooler. In the summer when the two months can not rain likely temperature is unbearable. The shower is only cold water - fortunately.  We were incredibly welcomed  here- we live at home like from Venezuelan serial (little show )- with a great hacienda, in which your dinner prepares the seniora (miss). We are overjoyed that we now live here :)

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