On all known unknown

Some time ago I learned that there are needs in Pacasmayo . We were looking not for a large town on the coast, because great are very dangerous, and this turned out to be perfect. Among our brothers will always find someone who knows someone who lives in the region. So we got bearings and upon arrival we received a really great support . Sister hired us to separate live on the estate , which resides on each street, a few families of our brothers. We are here as one big family. And even neighbors who are not Witnesses are there to help , because I have a huge respect for the people who came here to spread the truth of the Bible. It's amazing that we went into the unknown , and after a few days, almost all are known to us .

A visit in the Bethel

While in Lima we decided to pay a visit to the local branch office. In Lima, there is no printing house, but the literature circulated to all congregations, by beating the desert, mountains and. In Peru the official language is Spanish. However, people here also speak other languages​​. In five additional translators and print our literature: Ancashino Quechua, Quechua Ayacuachano, Quechua Cuscueno, Awajun, Shipibo-Conibo. Additionally, in Peru there are plenty of congregations for the deaf speakers of Peruvian Sign Language - here at Bethel is recording a video for them. And that's overseeing the work of the missionaries lot :).

We loved them with all our heart

It was an extraordinary moment for the brothers from Indiana and for us. First time came here brothers from other countries for such a long period of time to get to know and befriend. They live here like one big family and we have become the particle. We also did not realize that six months ago, seeing a movie about the preaching in different parts of the world have seen the place where we will visit. A snippet of the movie is just out of this city. Particle us definitely stay here - it is for us a completely different world. The world in which even strangers who are not Witnesses say to each other brother and sister. And the love of our brothers passed all imagination. How nice to see, when about 6.00 in the morning in the port group of brothers came to hug us and wave at goodbye. 

Farewell to Indiana

Fun goodbye. We have fun and rejoice, but in our heart regret that tomorrow we will not be here.
When the music stopped suddenly and brother thanked us for coming and handed a gift everyone were in shock. Better gift could not have wished for - the faces of all our friends in Indiana and in the middle we - this is the most beautiful picture I have. It was not easy to do this for them. Sister edited the images on a computer, another during our stay was going to Iquitos and it sparked. The brother told Jarek how write  "thank you were here",in Polish which of course was not expecting anything. One thing we know for sure, that kind of love we could experience only in our family of Jehovah's Witnesses.

We also did something good-bye. The song in Spanish - the well-known music with changed words. To them it was a huge surprise considering that our Spanish is not so good. But two nights worth of my earlier ideas and Jarek and left little song, which provoked laughter and tears. :) 
Below I put it here - but the funniest is when accompanied by a lot of memories bites after mosquitoes, the eternal sweat all over the body, lack of light at night, the amendments in stressing words and rice served every day :).

On land only by boat

Almost every away ground you need a boat. We asked our brother - the fisherman to us transported to a nearby village. We bought gas and go. It is not so easy to control, swim with the current, later influence is strong, then not so easy to finish off the shore. Many people at this time working on their plots, or grub a bit of a jungle, but everyone will find a moment to talk and learn something. Even the evangelical pastor who lives there very willing to listen, to be able to say something interesting later on sermons. But it was hard for him to accept the fact that God's name is Jehovah, not Jesus. But other people curiously listened to the verse from Psalm 83:18, remembering the name of God, they wanted to learn more. Unfortunately someone not visit them soon.

Need knows no boundaries

Just three weeks ago, a brief demonstration of the meeting it was no mean feat. It was hard to get used to the idea that now Jarek will conduct a study watchtower. However, there needs know no boundaries. However, many hours of preparation and the Spirit of God made ​​it really went great. also a great activity brothers. Sure there were some mistakes, but I can not judge that. The brothers said they understood everything very well and I think that's it. Worse Jarek went with remembering names. A particular difficulty caused him to remember the name of Lorena's sister, with whom we stayed for two weeks! Elena, Eleonora, Lorin? How was it? For sure it was a bit of laughter.

Not much needs to be

Mazamora made ​​from rice, or rice gruel with sweet and several rolls-all were delighted. You have little to accommodate the brothers and enjoy a shared meal. The best part is that the simplest taste best.

Although sometimes waiting for us something unusual. The first time we ate cock. It was something special, considering that these brothers had only two. Jarek was even "kukuryku" - a comb :). Our brothers are really special. Such love can not experience anywhere else. In fact, at first glance, strangers, from different corners of the world are a more close than family. Host and argue, laugh, and all praise Jehovah. And in every place, no matter which way you go in the world.

Preaching passengers

Six hours away - what to do? This is really a unique opportunity to be able to hear some truth from the Bible. In this section of the Amazon boat stops many times in wioseczkach consisting only of a few cottages. There is virtually no proclaims. However, some residents just us go to Indiana or even further, to Iquitos. Sister Sara quickly takes this opportunity and in turn goes to everyone to share a view of the Bible. After a few minutes' conversation leaves treatise or journal. Anyone willing to listen. We also talk with pasażerkami sitting next to.They are very happy that they could hear more about God. Regret would not take advantage of this opportunity! Later, in good conscience, we can rest on :).

Gratitude brothers compensates for all

This expedition into the jungle is really an amazing experience. There was a little discomfort: no shop, no current water in buckets from the river, uncomfortable sleeping on the floor in a house on stilts, strange noises in the night animals, rats and cockroaches. For this half-day allergy Jarek from being bitten by ants, and there was not a doctor and there was no way to reach him. However, the brothers hug goodbye compensated for everything. One brother said that it is a huge incentive for them, to see with their own eyes that in other regions of the world too are our brothers. First time visited their co-religionists from another continent :).
For us it was also an incredible experience. We have seen how in the middle of the jungle, in the tiny town where not easily accessible, eight of our brothers every week to meet to jointly organize a meeting and strengthen their faith.Some have to go a few hours a narrow path to meet together.

The first brother, who knew the truth here was to tell an interesting story. His sister, who received from our brothers the book  collection of stories, live forever and the Book of Revelation  - sent them to him into the jungle by boat, because her husband wanted her to be thrown. My brother read it many times - even a difficult book ... Revelation  . He was delighted. When in later years they arrived there first witnesses, people said "now this is from you that says the same thing here." The brothers did not know that there is some of their co-religionist, but quickly pinpoint the person concerned in a remote cabin by the river. But it was a joy when I finally found a person who could answer all his questions :). Today, together with the family is Jehovah.


My setback

Some homes can be reached only water vehicle. Me and three other people got off the boat to get to the two houses. The boat sailed on, and we had a walk path and to meet with the rest of the group. However, it turned out that the area is swampy and not make it. We had to go back and cross the river. On the shore was a kind of boat, but we had to pour water from it. Suddenly, on the other side of the river flowing boy in what looks like a canoe with sculpted trunk of wood. He wants to help us. I dared to take to the boats and of course, the moment I landed in the water. It was to be expected :). But all in all, when it is so hot I treated it as a pleasant refreshing and funny adventure. For this sister on one side and on the other side of the river had a lot of fun - for free hehe. All wet, I found that I can now go with a boy because nothing happens as I come again.
Well only that the bag turned out to be waterproof, because I had just continue to preach. Important to the Bible and magazines were dry, because at such a temperature and humidity here, so you feel at least a little wet :)

Preaching in the jungle

Will not forget our trip to Vanilli. Here you can feel really extreme. We leave all morning to preach in the village and pass an important message. In rural commons brothers organize the evening meeting - will be current for four hours (from 6-10p.m.) It has to be on it, our 9-man team, local brothers, brothers from another village and invited. It came several stakeholders - which in such a small village can be considered a huge success. Jarek was very glad that it came interested in living on the other side of the river from the village of Puerto Rico.Back home at night is not easy. However, Jared and I could not meet them. And all the ants - they are proven to be the more dangerous than alligators and anacondas. We wondered how this organism survives Jarek - defended in different ways. There was a bit of stress, but if it does not kill it strengthened it :)

Expedition to Vanilli

We're going to visit our brothers who live deep in the jungle. Our trip from the beginning brings a lot of surprises. We had to go yesterday, but the boat did not come. A little bit uncertain we are about the next day. Today it worked - some little space in the boat-about 40 people already there, and for that everyone has plenty of shopping. There is food, bananas, chickens, sacks of potatoes, chunks of ice - freezing fish, motors, cabinets and many, many others. To this must be added the animals - live chickens and even a pig. It was best to sit on the roof - there was space - worse as she began to downpour.
The four hour trip downstream - when we reach already getting dark. We shine flashlights to see what they look like brothers, in whom we live because there is no electricity. Sitting in a room almost nothing you can not see, but that does not stop all chat and laugh. Way through the jungle of the other brothers also came to see us :) A moment later, they return home after dark - with a flashlight.I was afraid the next day go the way of the day.
We came to our brothers and sisters with quite strange gifts - a bag of salt and a bag of sugar. However, it is most necessary things that we could give them - everything here is imported boats are very expensive. We can not believe where we are :) They also are very excited and happy, because for the first time visited their brothers from another continent :).


Currently, there is a lot of schools and every moment is a new building. And although today children can read very quickly - having four or five years, some of their parents can not. Thus, to know the truth of the Bible, many must learn to read. Brothers lead such studies. After all, these people want to know more. We leave them to the magazine, because the children can read them. It is good for all :)

It is interesting that barely holding a house on stilts, in the town where it is already current, has a satellite dish and TV. Technology comes here very quickly and do not always have a good effect on people. But the brothers are trying to take advantage of it and very often arrange with the interested to watch issued by Jehovah's Witnesses - often already on the second, third visit.

Mazan - is a great need

Today we head to the town where we can reach the mainland about 10 km from our house. It is probably even larger than Indiana and there is only one brother.Not because people do not want to study the Bible, just short of manpower. And there is a lot of work - a lot of people would like to visit them again. My brother, who lives there with his family often goes a long way to work - for a few months.However, some people will be - why not study them? During our stay we were able to meet several times with my family this and run some Bible studies - with his wife-pioneer Lorena, daughter in law - I and son - Jarek. Most families also would come to the meetings - brother has so many grandchildren that together occupy nearly half of the seats at the Kingdom Hall :). Again we had the opportunity to be involved in encouraging people who have already been exposed to the truth, to make further progress. It gave us a lot of joy, and a farewell ugoszczono us a delicious dinner of turtle.

Fun in the Jungle

All the inhabitants of Peru like to dance. Our brothers are playing great. It does not matter how anyone moves - it just has to sway to the music and enjoy. We loved the fact that the fun really come all - children, young people, but also a lot of older people. These auntie and uncles did not heat benches - but are dancing all the time.
few days after arriving in Indiana organized a welcome party for us. You do not need to organize it - someone shared a hut, someone brought a tape recorder, someone refresko (fruit drink), someone made ​​popcorn and all. We learned to dance to the beat of great music - Anaconda, moskue, Gorila :)
We also made ​​our entertainments rozbawiliśmy brothers to tears.
And the next day, after all, the collection at 8.15 - had to sleep soon :)


"Belt" people say, when they invite you inside. Interesting, because I do not tell admission that the question does not ask, you will hear the answer - "Belt". We go into the advocate of what came. Virtually every house, to which we have come today we talked a while and we agreed to the visit. People want to study the Bible. And although there are some who can not read, I think that more are considering the question why they live than people of "my land". They often ask me what kind of people live in my land. Unfortunately, I have to say that even though they can read, they read less and less frequently seeking the truth.

Today one of you told me that people here are lost, because I really seek the truth about God, but there are so many religions that are not sure where she is.If we show some important questions, even this: Why do we suffer? What happens after death? And so frequently choose: How to find the true religion?Even if you can not read, will be happy to accept magazines, because children can read it to them :)

Meeting in Indiana

It counts 29 people. However, eight people live very far - 3 hours away by boat, in Vanilla. They have their own meeting - soon to let them choose. There remains 21 brothers. A total of 96 leading Bible studies. To collect enough that interested comes time - but at the end of the meeting will be a lot of them. There are also plenty of kids who love to answer questions. We also heard that this circle is a boy who is now 11 years old - two years after the baptism and of the pioneer fixed :)
Interesting is also the history of the Kingdom Hall. In a small town in the jungle a gentleman opposed to the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. There was a wee old wooden covered leaves. With anger lit the fuse. They learned about the majętniejsi brothers from Lima and funded the construction of five rooms in the jungle. Thanks in Indiana it is now a beautiful Kingdom Hall.

How one family

Welcome dinner in a group of pioneers - I have not heard such loud laughter. The brothers live an incredible family. Hospitality is also amazing. A family with children invited us to dinner after the meeting. You do not need a lot - it was a kind of rice porridge with sweet rolls. Joy, joy, joy - a memorable meal in a wooden house on stilts.
Sunday evening is a time for sport. Sisters playing well here in volleyball and football - the Polish national team again signed a no - that's me :)

Welcome to Indians

At a meeting in Iquitos, we learned that it is worth to visit a small village at Amazon - Indiana - there really a need for preachers. We learned that the sail boat at 8.00 is someone waiting for us. I had tears in my eyes when I saw a large group of brothers and sisters and children who were waiting for us :) They embraced us and gave sense that very very happy with our arrival. We felt like a family. At the Kingdom Hall is a pioneering live. Sisters living there offered us a private room and the brothers who came with us.

Evening walk in Iquitos

Yes, you can specify the evening talks with residents of the city of Iquitos.Already getting dark and pleasantly. Residents come before the homes and sit at the tables or rest on their hammocks - practically everyone here has a hammock. We see how the girls play "in the gum", youth volleyball, women embroider and chatting. When we talk with people about our hope they willing wonna talk and often invite us into their home. We do not know when flew two hours.


  In this Sunday, after collecting most of the brothers goes two streets away.There is a rented room to dance. To cover the cost of any cross many as you can (a pair of salt), most of which also brings what is not. Dear sister ugotowały for all dinner. Prayer and start playing almost midnight :).
  Here, everyone likes to have fun and dance. They are all-children, young people, older age, all the elders of the church with their families, even arrived in the circuit to dance with his wife. You do not need anyone to pull to dance.Sisters teach us to dance to the music of the Peruvian Huayno (read dung :)).We also showed how to dance in Poland.
Today, the elderly brother explained to us that we must often make such fun or sport picnics, because they have to take care of their young people and children.At every step we see the incredible love for each other :)

There is always a possibility to do more

   About 6.15 Jarek is already at the Plaza de Almas and meets with his brother Edwin, and I with his daughter. For us it is a great experience to talk to people so early in the morning. However, for this brother is the only opportunity. Here, hardly anyone is free on Sundays, are working seven days a week. My brother has a  family and works every day from 8.00 a.m to 20.00 p.m. (a bit faster ends in days of meetings). How is it possible that he can preach more than 30 hours a month?
Generosity of the brothers really impresses us. Many people use the morning time for preach about 7.45 a.m to 10.30 to and later they go to work, open stores and work up to 22.00 p.m. Sometimes I wonder whether We would be able to get it? Certainly motivates us to do more.

Informal talks

   It is not always easy to me to talk about God with people accidentally encountered. Here we have a great help, because we are trying to use every opportunity - a lot of people ask us what the "gringos" doing here. One day I went to buy a Peruvian pantaloons - colored pants. In one shop a long time wondering, because there are plenty of colors. The seller came to us,  and ask about our trip. We said that we were here longer, we are Jehovah's Witnesses, and we have some other purpose of the visit in Huaraz. It turned out that his wife is studying the Bible, and he and his adult children also once studied. Daughter when she was younger always continued their meetings, but later fell ill with a disease, autoimmune and her enthusiasm all weakened. After an hour interview those kind people invited us to dinner next Sunday.
   It was an extraordinary experience - we spent five hours since we had eaten in Huaraz so delicious dishes, and this fruit salad with chocolate and coconut and squeezed passion fruit juice. Despite such excellent physical competition spiritual experiences "tasted" more. When we talked about the fact that precisely in difficult moments, moments when we are weak, we need to be close to our Creator and make the effort in service to him, the girls started pouring tears with her eyes. We encouraged them to always put up their goals in life. It was extremely comforting conversation. Embraced and agreed that on the same day they come to our meeting. How can rejoiced when we saw the Lady with her ​​daughter and son entering the meeting during the song. Now both the daughter and son begin to re-study the Bible, and the husband as he thinks. Today we also met in the shop - the girls are joyful, determined to fight against adversity and have specific spiritual goals :)


    Still can not believe it. We are in the congregation only a month, officially referred to as in Poland, just learning the language, and we were asked to show at the meeting. Jarek, of course, agreed. In the hall about 170 people. I, though I had to say one sentence but I stressed for two.
It's amazing that we have the opportunity to experience all the excitement of the new. In Poland, points and expression stressed us less. Here, I write a reply or read a sentence from a paragraph, even as the heart beats faster. Reply it is not so simple, because we compete with small children the simplest questions, and they still have priority over us. But thanks to the advice of practicing speech simple and short :) Jarek does not show so much stress, however, after each meeting, wants to go home soon because she is terribly hungry. Unfortunately, at least one hour of outputs is impossible. The brothers displays each other a lot of emotions. For those 30 seconds show was at least 30 hot hugs *

Pioneers - Precursores

    As a pioneer in Huaraz you're not alone. The congregation is currently 32 regular pioneers - including 4 special. The majority of brothers start to preach in the morning, some start at 6 am the other at 8. Later, many people start work, open shops, the other sisters look after the children and cooking. Afternoons are made ​​visits.On Monday I had the opportunity to work with the youngest pioneer (precursor regular). Adelina is 12 years old. How it manages to reconcile such work with the school? It turns out that responsible students, with the consent of parents and teachers can learn at home. Once a month, bringing filled with exercises and writing tests. In Lima, which is very dangerous, more often it is practiced. Adelina has more time. It also has a very precisely defined plans for the future, knows what will be dealing with, where she will go and what else she will do for her Creator - this is always a smile on her face :)
This shows how important it is to always have certain plans and objectives, even those very bold. Thanks to avoid monotony, and we will not stand still. And if plans are laudable, and we will finally achieve it we are so happy. This allows even in difficult times to keep a positive attitude and do not get sick spiritually. There will always be people who will say;  you don't need this, do normal things like others. We didn't listen to such persons and therefore we are in Huaraz having many blessings, and soon time for another purpose. . .


    There is nothing like preaching in the mountain village - it resembles a morning walk in good company very happy people. Offensive quite late today 8.15. I was assigned to the oldest sister - certainly more than 70 years (I did not ask about age, because it did not seem right), but sometimes I wondered who is the elder of us. She read without glasses, she spoke with people climbing on the rocks she gave me a hand and rip out one of the  eucalyptus leaf gave me saying "bien para aire" - hear me out of breath walking up the hill. Smelling eucalyptus leaves actually better to be able to regulate breathing. This is the place where the brothers rarely reach, so you could find a lot of interesting people who wanted to study the Bible or children who have grown up and want their own study. Some of the older women spoke only Quechua language, and of course my companiera also know that language. Although  she was very tiny, but this day I the highest one felt really small :)


    On Sunday, a special assembly was held in a rented Coliseum in Huaraz, which was attended by about 800 people. Some even came down at eleven, but they really came out of their house earlier than we did. One sister told me that she got on the bus at 3.00 am
  decor simple, concrete stairs to sit in the flowers hidden round watch with the guidelines for speakers. When you lift up his eyes, you see sitting pigeons, which once again fly over the entire coliseum. To everyone all well heard there were a lot of speakers. We are not accustomed to such noise sopranos, so that's good to hear the program we took ear plugs with toilet paper - sister advised us :)
The program was great, but the vast brotherly love, hugs, laughter, conversation - is what best to remember.
Jarek still remember the uncomfortable sleeping on the floor during the night guard assembly hall ;)
    After the meeting, together with overseers and pioneers from different areas we went to the chicken - a total of 40 brothers. Later still a good portion of the night went to walk around the city and we ate fruity ice cream :)
    A few words about our overseers. They went to other town nine hours away by bus.The bus is not so comfortable, the seats are so close that pain of legs can be huge. If there will be the rains the road would be washed out so they will have to go an hour through the mountains with their luggage. It starts the rainy season in the mountains, so these difficulties will increase. However, I have not met so humble, yet super fun people who love to have fun and laugh. 

Gracias a Jehova por tu, mi hermana "

    It's amazing that we have brothers everywhere. In every place in the world we find brothers who are sometimes closer to us than our family. In the middle of the Cordillera Blanca mountain range, our sister Juli lives. To get to the village have at least four hours to wade through the mountains by bus (pass 4600n.pm).He lives there alone, but is glad it's there. She has her own sheep, chickens, cuy (guinea pigs). He speaks Spanish and Quechua Ancashi - leads were plenty of biblical studies in the mountain town - walking everywhere on foot, as well as leading points at meetings in 30 km away - because there are no brothers.
   After 4 hours of driving, we arrived at Vaquerii felt terribly weak . I thought it was altitude sickness, but as it turned out I discovered a more brothers  in Huaraz was inffected in stomach flu. We knew that living here Jehovah's Witness, so we asked, and for a while we came to the house Juli :). She runs the only one shop in the village.
   do not know what would have happened if not for her help. I received a bed, plenty of warm woolen blankets, delicious food and "Kogl I could" or true natural remedies. We spent two days - two days in a completely different world. There live, people who have 80 years working on, well see and feel good.
  When I've felt better, which is moved by a moment saying, "Thank Jehovah for you, my sister, I will never forget." Juli was delighted that we were, it's like visiting her immediate family :) And four days later, we met again at the Congress :)

"Satanas Park"

Beautiful lecture presented today brother from Bethel. So hit the jackpot example:

In every country, even in Peru is an amazing amusement park called "Satanas Park."
There are many amazing things. Yes, yes there are roller coasters, streamers, slides, etc.
Wondering how much you have to pay to get in there. It turns out that NOTHING. Admission pays nothing. WOW! All for free. Eating, drinking at will - drink you want, you can burn what you want, have fun, party, even allow immorality. You only think about themselves and their pleasures. A veritable madness - you feel really free. However, after a day of fun you feel a little tired and want to relax. Let's go home. And suddenly in the exit  - you have to pay.
Why, admission was free. Yes admission was free, but not exit.
Okay,You take your wallet and wonna pay. What is the price? - Oo... your life!
How foolish to fall into this trap and his life spent on stupid :)
We are happy that we could share it with you.

Hall Renovation 

In the mountains slowly begins the rainy season. Morning is a very sunny and warm, but in the evening usually is a big downpour. Our Kingdom Hall started to getting wet, so needed a renovation. Many materials do not have to buy, because some of the brothers have in their homes. At the end of the meeting is published what is needed. Those who have it at home report that they will bring - it's fun. We do not have anything like that, so one day we reported to help. Jarek is here quite tall and strong as compared to the local brothers. He carried big boards, so they called him a Hercules :)


At an altitude of about 3500m, 30 minutes drive from Huaraz, is the town of Recuay. The beautiful mountain landscape, but many people live here very modestly.

 But even animals come here to study the Bible :) :) :)
For Jarek came in one by one: puppy-> lamb-> Taurus -> sheep and  cock :)

Conversations in Huaraz

Meeting is about 7.45 even though we all come to 8.00. Sisters here always greet each other a kiss on the cheek, tilting his hat, saying Buenos Dias! Hermanita Que tal? (How are you, sis?) Then we go all together on a specific street. Sisters with sisters and brothers with brothers. People in Huaraz are mostly    believers. They have a lot of respect for God and the Bible. Word study very sounds well into his mind, they want to be educated, and even more well-known the truth of the Bible. Talking to people really give pleasure. Preaching in Huaraz now reminds me of a quiet morning walk in great company.

Coming to the morning meeting, sometimes we give treaties or publication passengers buses. The amazing thing is that most of the yield release, people immediately starts to read it. Once paying tolls handed Ms. magazine pickup fee. While she was reading it with interest, all the while turning around and smiled another passenger. I thought looking at me because I am a "gringo" or white. However, when I handed her the magazine, she breathed a sigh of relief, thanked me and said that she loves these publications. By the end of the road just me and the driver did not read :)

Children also love to read. Once in the bus Jarek gave a treaties to the boys and a few minutes later they had read them, because they were afraid that they do not manage to read it before you get off the bus. Rejoiced when Jarek said it was for them and for all.

A few words about the meeting

20/10/13  In Huaraz are two types of congregation one in Quechua language and one in Spanish. At our meeting comes about 200 people, and only half of them are brothers :) We compete with the children when it comes to reporting because they choose as the simplest questions, and that a lot of children are reported to last in the queue. The heart beats twice each times we lift arm. After all, a lot to learn from this, in the end, Jesus said that to enter the Kingdom of God You must become as little children :). 
 And after the evening meeting in the Peruvian KFC. Of course, as befits the Peruvians, one does not drink Coca-Cola but Inka Cola. As I said, it tastes like lemonade nobody disagreed with me. I had to admit that it's almost like lemonade, because nothing beats the Inca Cola :) 


Together with a group of brothers Jarek had the opportunity to preach in prison. You had to be prepared, please watch, chain and very important to leave your phone at home - if someone smuggled phone to receive 20 years in prison. Here, if you suspect a prison sentence first, and only then are you waiting for trial. Sometimes, even for very long, so sometimes we do not know whether you talk of guilty or innocent. The brothers did a mini collection for three groups of prisoners, each about 20 minutes. Most of them are interested in biblical truth, and the two of them are brothers who know the truth already in prison. Brother of Italy, who could not remember the name of Jarek and introduced him to the prisoners' se llama "Czewerik". Que? Why this name? Carmelo explained that he confused the name with the word with the same meaning as "guapo" or handsome :), so I really liked Jarek now on your new name. We are in Peru only a few days, but nobody is looking at it, if we know how and why not to say we will not be spared. Jarka asked for recourse prayer at the end of the meeting in prison. Prayer little polonized, because instead of words JesuChristo Jarek said Jesu Christus - it was fun :) 

CATAC and Ticapampa

CATAC is a 45min drive from Huaraz. It's a small village situated in the mountains. We go by bus, which always takes more people than there are seats, a tight and easily can be acquired fleas that jump on the less pure personach. The time is 8.45 and the corner of the square is already waiting brother. Rebounds - a group of brothers meet on the street, talk, laugh and suddenly brother tells you, and you're going there, and this and this out there, and how you meet it will go there. So, let's go.

 If we are able to say "something" in Spanish, our co-workers came out from the assumption that we can preach. They threw us into the deep end, but we sailed well and so we had a lot of fun. How to get stuck, you can always say "Soy Polako" and everyone starts to smile. A lot of people know that God's name is Jehovah, which surprised me greatly, even small children. Here 4-year-old children already know how to read, so I asked did not know how to read Psalm 83:18. They made it a lot better than I do :), and then repeating the name of God to save. When they got a publication, then we could see them how somewhere on the stairs in silence read. Here, almost no one is in a hurry, and everyone can find a moment to talk about God.

After the dinner at the restaurant (ala milk bar for 6zł) a group of about 15 people are going to gather to Ticapampy. Hall this group is about 18m2, and enter through the door you have to tilt. After all fit into more than 20 people. For this activity during the meeting was impressive, we also easier to be reported in such a small group. Although the meeting consisted of three parts (a group is meeting once a week) no one wanted to leave the house. Maybe it's because the rain outside, but the brothers laughing and running children drowned everything. Waiting for busy adults with children (perhaps no older brothers who looked up with a smile) running around shouting "kaczara" what "tag."

 A conversation with a taxi driver

After 19 + hours of flying planes, of course, waiting for each flight are exhausted. But we came here to talk to people about God. We met some Polish people who presented the purpose of our visit, and then used the first opportunity to talk in Spanish. The taxi driver who drove us from the airport to the bus was a very faithful man :)

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