Thursday, February 6, 2014

Most are afraid of what you do not see

It is wonderful that we can be in such an amazing place like the Amazon jungle . It is beautifully , but there always have to be safe than sorry . Hazardous anacondas and alligators and other snakes. We have seen how someone threw a dead snake Gergona - the bite antidote is needed quickly . However, these animals run away from people and do not have to like it do not attack . However, the most afraid of what you do not see . Jarek bitten by tiny ants - called Pucacuro . There is a saying " Pucacuro pica duro " ( Pukakuro bite tight) . Indeed, after a while Jarek got allergy : his face swelled up and got a rash all over the body . We had a bit of stress, we were afraid that swell his neck and will not have to breathe. However, after a few hours , after large quantities of lime all gone. We also saved already count the strange mosquitoes bites like Muchacha Mantaplanca . I had a few hundred :) . However, in such a beautiful setting and wonderful company simply did not think about it, because there was no time for that.

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