Monday, February 24, 2014


Near the San Pedro is a swimming pool complex with waterslides. There would be nothing ordinary, if not the team of brothers drives with us. About 50 people - whole families with children and youth, with lunch and snacks. We're going in the normal working day. For password go to Toboganes (slides) all man working just somehow have free time :). The slides were cool indeed, done contest who will slide the largest distance. However, the plain rectangular pool was most occupied. Over five hours we played football with ours hands. Input from the stairway were goals that occupied the girl and not allowed to squeeze the ball. No one did not count points, but the fight for every goal was amazing. You could cry with laughter.


It is impossible that we are not bored of this dish. We eat this every day for lunch and every day we are thrilled. Who would not ask everyone here will tell you that he loves ceviche. What is this? 
It usually raw pieces of fish without bones drenched with lime juice, with appropriate condiments, special sharp chili, red onion and green sea algae. It is used here for various types of fish and seafood. I choose every day octopus, and Jarek mix of fish and octopus. For the cooked corn and popcorn, a piece of sweet camote (similar to potato), chop the potatoes clearing rocoto spicy sauce and mayonnaise. Every day they are delighted that such a plate in the marketplace costs 1 sol. Two portions and we are full. This dish is sour, salty, spicy and sweet all in one. Why do not we know that in Poland? Probably because it would have cost us 50 times more :).


We are on the north coast of Peru and in the Poland already being heard that there are great conditions for surfing. Near to us is held every year as the World Cup. Jarek after the arrival to Pacasmayo, without waiting for a long time, he began to inquire how much it cost to rent boards and is difficult to learn the sport. When he heard from his brothers that weekend at the beach walking with their families to jump in the waves, and they have their own boards, which they are happy to share with others that he was delighted :) It's hard to believe what is happening here.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Amazing Pacific

Maybe we live in the desert, but the sight of the beautiful Pacific Ocean delights us every day. I've never seen a number of birds above the sea. Amazing is the view of the huge pelicans ramming beaks in the water and pulling out all kinds of fish. Small white birds are doing well also. While we do not see any fish, they can dive close to us, and every time to draw a fish :).

From the jungle to the desert

Actually we planned to come to Peru and find a friendly town on the coast. Snow-capped mountains and jungle hit us a little by accident. With glaring green jungle arrive on dry coast. Specific ocean currents and winds make it look like here in the desert. Sand, stones and dust, and of occasional tree - watered daily by not withered. But there are also advantages - there is a lot of worms, and the air is dry as opposed to moist eternally jungle. From the windows of the bus all look like a makeshift hut. Wow! Curious we are, where we live!
We chose the town Pacasmayo - in total we do not know exactly why. It seemed to us quite interesting. However, the village on the way to Pacasmayo do not make a good impression on us ...

Thursday, February 6, 2014


In the Amazon jungle, you can meet thousands of species of butterflies. We really liked this one color such as yellow or blue grossly. Near Iquitos is Mariposario, where you can meet hundreds of butterflies (esp. Mariposa) and observe the course of their lives. Unfortunately, in his beautiful form located there butterflies usually live only 2-3 weeks. Is it worth it to visit this place? Certainly. In a small park closed flew a lot larger and smaller butterflies. However, we must admit that the more we liked the monkeys playing in front of the entrance, anteater, who was eating ants in the bushes, and other animals, which can be a tease :)

Monkey belching

On the way to Mariposario see that something crackling in the bushes. It turns out that it is running monkeys - with some strange faces. They are not afraid of people. That we have to be careful, because in one second can grab a camera and toss example into the water. What a joy it was when they got the bottle of water. For days after the trees and jumping from time to time looking for something in companions's hairs, perhaps some bugs. Suddenly someone starts to burp. We look up, and a big male of another species. It turns out that may just burp up to five hours. This means that he is very happy. When we look at him doing it even louder. Belching Jarka is the nothing! :)...

As you will near comes to Indiana

From Iquitos two hours to see the Amazon quiet idyllic life, a spotless, friendly and beautiful for that spot. Who would have thought that in the middle of the bush, you can see how the alleys in the park and trees cropped in mosaic. Here it is really worth pay a visit. At the market at tiny little port buy everything you need, in particular, fresh fish, and you'll definitely be able to count on help from residents. We have to say goodbye to this place, but it certainly will be back someday :).  

Most are afraid of what you do not see

It is wonderful that we can be in such an amazing place like the Amazon jungle . It is beautifully , but there always have to be safe than sorry . Hazardous anacondas and alligators and other snakes. We have seen how someone threw a dead snake Gergona - the bite antidote is needed quickly . However, these animals run away from people and do not have to like it do not attack . However, the most afraid of what you do not see . Jarek bitten by tiny ants - called Pucacuro . There is a saying " Pucacuro pica duro " ( Pukakuro bite tight) . Indeed, after a while Jarek got allergy : his face swelled up and got a rash all over the body . We had a bit of stress, we were afraid that swell his neck and will not have to breathe. However, after a few hours , after large quantities of lime all gone. We also saved already count the strange mosquitoes bites like Muchacha Mantaplanca . I had a few hundred :) . However, in such a beautiful setting and wonderful company simply did not think about it, because there was no time for that.

Crappy Mono

Many unusual meals we had the opportunity to try. But the soup with mono or monkey do not really accounted for our taste. The view alone is not added appetite - hand with fingers or a piece of jaw with teeth. We tried just a piece - nothing unusual for us to taste, and this unpleasant smell. Maybe she was wrong whip you, but after all I would not recommend. The worst thing is that on the same day we received a gift of eggs taricaya (type of turtle). When cooked it smelled throughout the house. I tried anyway. They say that some people love it and are very healthy. For me shocker. Jarek was not to be persuaded even a little. Almost all the eggs and pieces of monkeys received a family from a nearby house. Oh, what was the joy!

Food at the crossroads

It turns out that at the crossroads not only drive motocars, but you can pretty well eat. Choosing good: fish soup, fish from the Amazon, meat, potatoes, yucca. We liked the potatoes, as in Poland and the meat of "monte" - a venison such as capybaras. Oh and disappointment when we were served a plate: half the plate is rice, a piece of yucca, banana and it's all a little potato and a piece of meat. Well, here people do not know dinner without rice and banana. You can get used to. Tasty, lots and good price 3.50 sol (4zł) - did not find so far of such food for the price. Even we will miss the spicy sauce with cocoons.

6-hour cluck

We get up at three in the morning, because today the fourth flows boat. In the darkness of the pack, in the dark we go. We go to the boat, and there are asleep some people. We sail at night, shining a flashlight helmsman. Well, just getting started! Every now and then we stop and charge people who charge what they can. After an hour of riding with us all livestock - lots of chickens, ducks, and even pigs. People grow it in their cabins and now they are going to sell it in the townships - because is the only way to earn some money. Amazing view - on both sides of the boat sitting hens - as roost. On the one hand, with closed beaks, on the other barely nozzle, because in their ass morning sun warms :).